AST Monoclean® earcleaner for dogs and cats
AST Monoclean ® Ear Cleaner helps soften and remove excessive ear wax and flammable materials in the external ear canal of dogs and cats.
AST Monoclean ® Ear Cleaner helps soften and remove excessive ear wax and flammable materials in the external ear canal of dogs and cats.
Per ml of solution contains: 25 mg of lactic acid, salicylic acid, 1 mg, 2 mg chloorhexidineacetaat, sodium lauryl sulphate and propylene glycol.
* Alcohol free *
Soaking and removing excess ear wax and flammable materials in the external ear canal of dogs and cats.
* Caution *
Not for use in animals. With (potential) eardrum
Do not use Q-Tip swabs as they may push debris deeper into the ear canal and rupture the eardrum.