Adaptil for dogs diffuser & refill
The diffuser helps dogs overcome fears and stress, mimicking the natural appeasing pheromone produced by lactating females, which promotes a sense of well-being and reassurance.
Adaptil is a synthetic copy of the natural comforting pheromone released by a mother dog to reassure her puppies.
This has been proven to not only help puppies but also dogs of all ages with:
Helps promote learning during training and socialisation
Helps puppies or adult dogs settle in new homes
Helps dogs to cope with challenging situations such as: staying in kennels (Adaptil Collar)
staying home alone
fireworks, thunderstorm
visiting the vet (Adaptil Collar)
during car travel, holidays (Adaptil Collar or spray)
Night crying
new baby
Adaptil will naturally help to reassure your pet in these challenging situations and create a more relaxed environment for your dog or puppy
The Adaptil Diffuser is a discrete plug-in which bathes the home in a synthetic copy of the ‘canine appeasing pheromone’, a natural product proven to comfort both puppies and adult dogs. Diffuser is great for:
settling new puppies in the home
calming more than one dog in the home
during fireworks
How to use Adaptil Diffuser?
Releasing the comforting pheromones into the local enivonment.
The diffuser covers an area of 50-70m2 with each vial lasting up to 4 weeks.
The diffuser should be plugged into the room where the dog spends most of its time.
Adaptil Diffuser can be purchased and replaced as required, upto 5 refills may be used before replacing the Diffuser unit.